樂 ∙ Facilities

環境設施 Facilities

B1 會議室

會議室 Meeting Room

位於 B1 的芙蓉宴會廳占地超過兩百坪,以山茶、水仙、百合、牡丹等花朵命名的會議空間,尊榮典雅,格局完整。挑高四米五的寬闊空間,使整體空間運用上更富彈性,最多可同時容納 500 人。

Adjacent to the Taipei World Trade Center and Taipei Xinyi business district, this venue is ideal for doing business, visiting exhibitions, and going shopping. The meeting rooms offer Chinese and Western food service and meeting styles. The Camellia, Narcissus, Lily, and Peony conference rooms exude a strong oriental aesthetic to inspire the proceedings of the meetings within their walls.

08:00- 12:00、13:00- 17:00。
半日會議(A) 平日 NT$600 起/人
半日會議(B) 平日 NT$1,050 起/人
全日會議 平日 NT$1,500 起/人
兩天一夜會議假期 平日 NT$2,950 起/人 (含正餐一次)
Half-day Meeting (A) (weekdays):from TWD 600 + 10% per person
Half-day Meeting (B) (weekdays):from TWD 1,050 + 10% per person
Full-day Meeting Weekday:from TWD 1,500 / person
Two-days-one-night Conference Package:from TWD 2,950 per person (Including one dinner)
Meeting room times: 8:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00.
The above rates are subject to a 10% service charge

1F 游泳池

戶外游泳池、水療池 Outdoor swimming pool, spa pool


The gym is equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment. Hotel guests are more than welcome to use it to stay in shape and keep healthy.

1F 游泳池
5 月至 10 月 May through October
08:00 - 12:00、13:00 - 17:00、1 8:00 - 22:00
專案包裝提供使用。 外客使用為 300 元/人(需加 10%服務費)
Walk-in guests pay TWD 300 (plus 10% service charge)

3F 健身房、三溫暖、商務中心

健身房 Gym


The gym is equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment. Hotel guests are more than welcome to use it to stay in shape and keep healthy.

3F 健身房
07:00- 22:00
專案包裝提供使用。 外客使用為 300 元/人(需加 10%服務費)
Walk-in guests pay TWD 300 (plus 10% service charge)

麗泉俱樂部(男、女三溫暖)Lih Spa (men’s and women’s saunas)

位於 3 樓繁華都會中,盡享充分放鬆、舒適靜謐的空間,在此深層舒緩疲憊,釋放壓力,神采奕奕、容光煥發地迎接新挑戰,宛若能量再生的都會桃花源,男女三溫暖包含冷池、熱池、蒸氣浴與烤箱。

Located in the third floor, above the bustle of the city, sits this oasis of peace and tranquility where you are welcome to relax deeply, to relieve stress, and restore your mind and body ready for the next challenge. This little Garden of Eden includes men’s and women’s saunas with cold pools, hot pools, a steam room, and a dry room.

07:00- 22:00
The first Monday of the month, the facility will be closed for maintenance.
持三溫暖券方可使用。 外客使用為 300 元/人(需加 10%服務費)
The men’s and women’s saunas can only be entered

商務中心 Business center


To meet the needs of business people on the go, the business center on the 3F Level offers a range of thoughtful services:Internet, photocopying, scanning, faxing, personal computers, and conference room rental. Chinese and English newspapers and magazines are available for reading in the business center.

3F 商務中心
07:00- 22:00

以上內容如有變更,請依飯店現場公告為主,恕不另行通知。 The above rates are subject to change without prior notice. Please refer to the on-site announcement.

福容大飯店 台北二館

訂房專線:886-2-2662-1717 #181、#182、#183
E-Mail:[email protected]

Fullon Hotel Taipei, East

Address:No. 236, Section 3, Beishen Road, Shenkeng District, New Taipei City
Group Reservation:886-2-2662-1717 #181、#182、#183
Central Reservation:+886 2 7710 3008
Customer Service Hotline:0800-455-588
E-Mail:[email protected]